Sogbohan Islet, Barangay Bagumbayan, Dinagat, Dinagat Islands
Phone #: 09193506106
Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Produce Organic Concoctions and Extracts Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Produce Organic Fertilizer Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Produce Organic Vegetables Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II
Animal Production (Poultry0Chicken) NC II
Brood and Grow Chicks Leading to Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) NC II
“Handle Breeders Leading to Animal Production (Swine) NC II
“Handle Farrowing Sows and Sucklings Leading to Animal Production (Swine) NC II
“Maintain Healthy Animal Environment Leading to Animal Production (Swine) NC II
Maintain Poultry House Leading to Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) NC II
Perform Pre-Lay and Lay Activities Leading to Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) NC II
“Produce Finishers Leading to Animal Production (Swine) NC II
Raise Organic Chicken Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II
“Raise Weanlings Leading to Animal Production (Swine) NC II
Trim Beak Leading to Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) NC II